Lord, I invite Your Holy Spirit to refresh CFO in this hour. Bring new life to us. Show us Your will and Your way. You are the Way, the Truth and the Life. No one comes to the Father except through You. Be real to us.
Give us grace for one another. Give us fruitfulness in our meetings. Help us not to do the same old thing out of habit and tradition. Give us fresh, new creativity and vibrant faith. Give us wisdom, knowledge, understanding, revelation, eyes to see and ears to hear. Help us be in the river of Your love. We want to experience Your Kingdom like never before.
Your Kingdom is at hand. We choose to walk in it to the fullest extent we can. Send Your ministering angels to go before us and prepare the way. Send warring angels. God, help us rest in You and not strive to get to the next level. Help us have Your heart for one another and for CFO.
Give us boldness and wisdom as we pursue You and Your Kingdom. Your Kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven. We are victorious over-comers, bought with the blood of the Lamb. We are Your servants and Your ambassadors, Your workmanship, made in Your image to give You glory. Give us minds prepared for action. Help us set our hope fully on You.
Reveal Your glory in our midst. Help us break out of the old and into the new. May You be honored and glorified. Help us honor one another. Stop any pettiness or bickering or quarreling among us. We choose to be yoked together with You in prayer and have hearts of humility and thanksgiving.
Amen and Amen.