What followed that prayer was a series of important revelations of the secrets of "prevalent prayer." They are identified on p. 160-162 with discoveries made in a prayer group.
"We perceived that petitionary prayer is a weak instrument in most of our hands because of the selfish motives that are usually associated with it, and the weak and flabby faith with which it is usually uttered. To lift our faith from a state of mere believing to a state of actual knowing--that was our problem. ...all we needed to do was to lift our own consciousness to a state of positive assurance that all was well. ...the first ingredient necessary for all true prayer was Faith that amounted to absolute Knowing, a faith so complete that it filled our entire being; and now we were led to our second great discovery, and that was that Love is the most powerful of all ingredients in all true prayer. ...
[Finally, for prayers that prevailed] "it thrilled me to think how happy [those we prayed for] would be when they got cured."
"So that was our third great discovery. Next to a positive Faith and sincere Love, radiant Joy seems to be the chief ingredient necessary for prevailing prayer."