p. 22: "I came to make men whole," said Jesus, and He was able to do this because His Love was whole.
p. 32: The place where we can all unite is Prayer.
p. 39: Prayer of positive, creative power needs a background of silence, and until we are prepared to practice this silence, we need not hope to know the power of prayer.
p. 45: Prayer ... must work itself into the muscles and the mind processes of the individual until his daily life, his conscientious application to his daily tasks, his every motion and every act reflect the peace and poise of the Quiet Hour.
p. 50-51: [As you] practice living in the Kingdom...let your awareness remind you that behind the scenes is this perfect Operator.
p. 56: I believe in praying for big things--tremendous things. I believe in taking off all limits and asking God to save entire nations.
p. 62: Wherever there is humility there is power; wherever there is sincerity and honesty there is power; wherever there is enthusiasm there is power.
p. 68-69: Then the [prayer] group could go into silence again and one by one give their [personal] problems to God. These problems could be mentioned one by one and dropped quietly into the heart of God.