Wake Up CFOers. Christians tend to fall asleep and stop being watchmen on the wall when things are going well. It happened to the Pilgrims. When the hardships of those first few years were over and they had entered a period of prosperity they got lax about prayer and worship. Their relationships with the Indians suddenly turned into violence as the Indians rose up, attacked, killed and burned. Only by confessing their sins, praying and seeking God’s intervention were they able to prevail and survive.
It happened again when King George tried to milk the colonies of all their wealth. When the colonies declared their independence, they couldn’t win a war. They lacked the man power, training, and weapons. Only by turning to God in prayer and worship and beseeching His intervention did they succeed.
This is the pattern of our history: a great crisis followed by a great awakening unto God, followed by a lethargy and turning away from God. Today we are again in a desperate crisis needing God’s intervention. The rights and voice of Christians is being systematically silenced. In this last election one candidate said that deeply held beliefs (even though Biblically based) must be changed in the face of political reality.
Worldwide Christians are persecuted and hundreds are slaughtered each day. In America Churches are bombed. Christians are murdered. Babies are being sacrificed on the altars of Moloch and Baal. God’s rainbow, the mark of His covenant, has been stolen by groups advocating sexual deviancy.
The good news is that America is not doomed. Her greatest days are just ahead. God has said so. America was born with a divine destiny, appointed to be a city on a hill, shining the light of Christ upon all nations of the world, proclaiming salvation. That destiny is still ahead of her. Not only is God speaking that message through His prophets today, he spoke it to Glenn Clark through the lips of Dr. George Washington Carver.
Dr. Carver had just given a talk at Macalester College in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Dr. Clark was taking him to the station for his return to Tuskegee. As they road Dr. Carver said, “Last night as I rode to the auditorium I was holding a little white flower in my hand all the way, and in the silence while we rode, I was talking to it and it was talking to me. It told me some wonderful things. And the flowers have never failed to tell me the truth. It told me that there is going to be a great spiritual awakening in the world, and it is going to come from people up here, from people connected with you and me, from plain, simple people who know – not merely believe – but actually know that God answers prayer.
“It is going to be a great revival of Christianity, not a revival of religion. We can have religion and still have wars. But this is to be a of true Christianity. It is going to rise from the laymen, from men who are going about their work and putting God into what they do, from men who believe in prayer, and who want to make God real to mankind.”
Dr. Clark added, “And because I know that George Washington Carver knows how to talk with the flowers, and, because I know that flowers know how to talk with him, I know that this prophecy is going to come true.”
The ball is in the court of the people of CFO. We must pray harder than we have ever prayed before. John Wesley, the founder of Methodism in the 1750s, is credited with saying that “It seems God cannot act until a man asks Him.” God needs us and our prayers to bring in an Awakening unto God. It starts with CFO kinds of people.
Rise Up You People of God and Pray! Pray! Pray!
This blog was written by Matt Leach.