Our Heavenly Father,
Knowing that Thou art the God of Love, Giver of every good and perfect gift, and that Thy Love is the greatest of all drawing powers, infinite, eternal, and irresistible, drawing all things into perfect harmony and perfect fulfillment, we give ourselves completely into Thy Hands. Take us, mold us, shape us into channels for expressing Thy will.
Knowing that where two or three come together and agree, asking anything in the consciousness of Oneness with Jesus Christ, that their prayer will be answered, we especially pray for the spirit of Christ's Love to take such complete control of our hearts that we may be able to pray for a peace that will be a blessing both to our friends and to our enemies; for a prosperity that will begin in the soul and extend to the needs of the mind and body as well; and finally that there will be raised up men of vision in places of power who will bring the spirit of Christ into all walks of life, so that the Prince of Peace may be ruler in all the councils of nations, and in the hearts of men everywhere.
In Christ's Name, Amen.
Note that in 2005, reference to "men" in this context was ungendered. Today we pray for both "men and women."