by Alex McCullough
August, 1979
After these things God tested Abraham, and said to him, “Abraham!” And he said, “Here am I.” He said, “Take your son, you only son Isaac, whom you love, and go into the land of Mariah, and offer him there as a burnt offering upon the mountains of which I shall tell you.” Genesis 22:1-2 RSV
On May 5, 1974, our first born son Mark, who was then 13, fell from a 50-foot cliff, and landed on his head on a rock. After initial examination and x-rays in Brattleboro, Vermont, he was rushed to Mary Hitchcock Hospital, Dartmouth Medical Center, in Hanover, New Hampshire. During these long hours, Mark remained in coma.
Dr. Ernest Sachs, head of neurosurgery, performed four and a half hour surgery on Mark. Afterward, his report to us was that Mark was in the deepest stage of coma and had perhaps a ten percent chance to live. Furthermore, Dr. Sachs couldn’t say what quality of life Mark would have if he did live.
In the intensive care waiting room, my wife, Alice, and I prayed silently with our pastor and priest, Bert Schlossberg. I learned later that both Alice and Bert had prayed for total recovery for Mark. My prayer went like this: “Father, if you want to take Mark home to you, he’s your son, and I want you to know that’s all right with me. And, Father, if you want to leave Mark here as a ‘vegetable,’ he’s your son, that’s all right with me. And, Father, if you want to heal him completely, he’s your son, and that’s all right with me, and that’s what I hope you’ll do. So, dear Lord, please heal Mark completely through Jesus Christ our Lord. Thank you, Lord.”
Two and a half months later, Mark gradually came out of the coma. After more months of recuperation, physical therapy, home tutoring, perseverance, love and PRAYER, Mark returned to Scarsdale High School. This summer, he is working in a supermarket, having completed his freshman year at Oral Roberts University.
The McCullough family thanks God for the prayers of the United Prayer Tower and for everyone everywhere who prayed and helped and gave.
What then shall we say of prayer? Just this—that whatever you want God to bless, give it away to Him; them ask Him for what you want; then rest in His decision. First: RELINQUISHMENT; Second: REQUEST; Third: REST. Finally, remember this: Prayer did not heal Mark—God healed Mark. Praise His holy name forever. May His will be done.
Editor’s note: Thank you, Alex, for sharing from your grateful heart! Mark attended the 1977 Annual CFO Association meeting, and endeared himself to all of us there! The Reverend Alex McCullough is a beloved CFO Speaker, and has also shared his gift of music at Camps. He was ordained to the priesthood in his church in 1978. He says, “In growing spiritually, I have been learning that yielding to the Holy Spirit means yielding to God’s love. This love through the anointing of the Holy Spirit is so powerful that it overcomes sin and sickness and it draws people to Christ for healing of the body, mind and spirit.”
by Alex McCullough
August, 1979
After these things God tested Abraham, and said to him, “Abraham!” And he said, “Here am I.” He said, “Take your son, you only son Isaac, whom you love, and go into the land of Mariah, and offer him there as a burnt offering upon the mountains of which I shall tell you.” Genesis 22:1-2 RSV
On May 5, 1974, our first born son Mark, who was then 13, fell from a 50-foot cliff, and landed on his head on a rock. After initial examination and x-rays in Brattleboro, Vermont, he was rushed to Mary Hitchcock Hospital, Dartmouth Medical Center, in Hanover, New Hampshire. During these long hours, Mark remained in coma.
Dr. Ernest Sachs, head of neurosurgery, performed four and a half hour surgery on Mark. Afterward, his report to us was that Mark was in the deepest stage of coma and had perhaps a ten percent chance to live. Furthermore, Dr. Sachs couldn’t say what quality of life Mark would have if he did live.
In the intensive care waiting room, my wife, Alice, and I prayed silently with our pastor and priest, Bert Schlossberg. I learned later that both Alice and Bert had prayed for total recovery for Mark. My prayer went like this: “Father, if you want to take Mark home to you, he’s your son, and I want you to know that’s all right with me. And, Father, if you want to leave Mark here as a ‘vegetable,’ he’s your son, that’s all right with me. And, Father, if you want to heal him completely, he’s your son, and that’s all right with me, and that’s what I hope you’ll do. So, dear Lord, please heal Mark completely through Jesus Christ our Lord. Thank you, Lord.”
Two and a half months later, Mark gradually came out of the coma. After more months of recuperation, physical therapy, home tutoring, perseverance, love and PRAYER, Mark returned to Scarsdale High School. This summer, he is working in a supermarket, having completed his freshman year at Oral Roberts University.
The McCullough family thanks God for the prayers of the United Prayer Tower and for everyone everywhere who prayed and helped and gave.
What then shall we say of prayer? Just this—that whatever you want God to bless, give it away to Him; them ask Him for what you want; then rest in His decision. First: RELINQUISHMENT; Second: REQUEST; Third: REST. Finally, remember this: Prayer did not heal Mark—God healed Mark. Praise His holy name forever. May His will be done.
Editor’s note: Thank you, Alex, for sharing from your grateful heart! Mark attended the 1977 Annual CFO Association meeting, and endeared himself to all of us there! The Reverend Alex McCullough is a beloved CFO Speaker, and has also shared his gift of music at Camps. He was ordained to the priesthood in his church in 1978. He says, “In growing spiritually, I have been learning that yielding to the Holy Spirit means yielding to God’s love. This love through the anointing of the Holy Spirit is so powerful that it overcomes sin and sickness and it draws people to Christ for healing of the body, mind and spirit.”