task less tedious I started playing 'The Game with Minutes'... (How many times in 60 seconds can I think of Jesus???)
At one point while peeling the apples, I thought of Jesus and me walking together
at CFO Camp. (during free time in the afternoons.) We would stop for awhile in the 'Prayer Room'. (Just Jesus and me.) We had some wonderful conversations. Sometimes we were both quiet. Sometimes Jesus spoke. I listened. Neither one of us seemed in a hurry. There was such an atmosphere of peace. (peace that passes
The Path to the Prayer Room at CFO Camp...
May the path to the Prayer Room never get covered up with weeds...CFO Campers take notice if CFO Council Ring goes down this path... CFO Campers will follow leaders' example and try this path... The Prayer Room shall be the place to seek the Lord with all of our heart... God loves to have that time alone with each camper in
the Prayer Room... May the path to the Prayer Room grow wider as it is used more...
May CFOers know that God's anointing is upon the Prayer Room... The Presence of Father, Son, Holy Spirit is what is all important...
Selah! Think about it!
Written by Carolyn Miller in February 2014.