(1 Corinthians 3: 9) “We are laborers together with God…”
Oct. 2: (John 15: 16-17) Chosen by God to bring forth His fruit.
Oct. 3: (Mark 11: 22-26) Have faith in God & be forgiving...
Oct. 4: (John 15: 5, 10-11) Abiding in Him brings forth joy…
Oct. 5: (Matthew 6: 19-21) May I lay up treasures in Heaven.
Oct. 6: (Matthew 7: 7-11) Vs.12, well-known as Golden Rule
Oct. 7: (Matthew 5: 43-45) New teaching not found in O.T.
Oct. 8: (Matthew 6: 5-7) Enter into thy closet and pray.
Oct. 9: (Matthew 26: 41) Spirit is willing…our flesh is weak…
Oct. 10: (Romans 8: 26-28) Praise God! Holy Spirit intercedes.
Oct. 11: (Acts 3: 1-11) Authority in The Name of Jesus Christ!
Oct. 12: (Isaiah 55: 6, 8-11) God’s Word accomplishes His task
Oct. 13: (1st Thess. 5: 16-24) Each verse preaches a sermon…
Oct. 14: (Colossians 3: 12-17) Do all in the name of Lord Jesus.
Oct. 15: (Ephesians 1: 16-23) God’s power to work through us.
Oct. 16: (Philippians 4: 6-7) Take everything to God in prayer.
Oct. 17: (Philippians 4: 8) Discouraged? Practice this verse.
Oct. 18: (Jude verse 24 & 25) Great benediction in N.T. for us
Prepared by Carolyn Miller in September 2015.